Analysis of Performance after Extended Periods Without a 3% Correction


  • The S&P 500 is about to have the longest-streak ever without a 3% correction.
  • The longest streak prior to this one ended in December of 1995. Performance over the next 90-days, 180-days and 365-days was positive in all three-time frames.
  • Out of the nine other longest streaks without a 3% correction, the sell-off that ended the streak marked the beginning of correction (a loss greater than 10%) two times, and one of those two times led to a bear market (loss of greater than 20%).
  • In all cases except one, the market did exhibit greater volatility after the rally ended, with an average drawdown during the following 12-months from peak to trough of 10.61%.
  • However, the median return going out 90-days, 180-days and 365-days were positive for all periods.


Barring a last-minute selloff, the S&P 500 will set the record for the longest period without a 3% correction on Friday, November 10th. That is 371 days.  Only the run from December of 1994 until about one-year later is in the same class. After that, there were 8-periods that lasted between 170 and 300 days.

The chart below shows how the market performed over the next 90, 180 and 365 days, as well as the maximum drawdown from peak to trough during the subsequent 12 months.


What happens after these extended, non-volatile rally ends?

Two of the time periods (C and F above) had losses across the board. The period from April of 1993 until February of 1994 (C), and then the period from June of 1965 until February of 1966 (F).

If you at the percentage gain or loss in 90, 180 and 365 days, and ignore any drawdowns in between, the maximum loss was 10.96% in period F, and that was 180 days after the rally had ended.

In four of the nine examples (B, D, E, and J)., the market was up in every time frame measured. The maximum gain was 26.17% one year after the end of rally E.

In two of the examples (H and I), the S&P was down in value 90-days later, but up in the longer time frames of 180-days and one year.

And in the remaining example, G, there was a gain 90-days out but losses at the end of the 180-day and one-year time periods.

The average return over all nine-time periods was -0.63% for the 90-day time-period, 2.91% for 180-days, and 6.34% for 365-days.

The median return was positive across all time frames, 0.76%, 2.04% and 5.90% for 90, 180 and 365 days.


Of the nine periods, two of them, 1966 and 1950 (F and H), were periods where the end of the rally marked the high point before a decline of 10% or more. In 1966 (F), the S&P sold off by 22%, and in 1950 (H), it declined by 14%.


We also looked at the maximum drawdown over the subsequent 12-month period. The thinking was that maybe the end of the rally does not mark the beginning of an immediate decline, but what if it leads to more volatility which is a tip-off to a larger sell-off at some point in the next 12-months.

The maximum drawdowns averaged -10.61% with a median of -8.94%. The smallest drawdown was 3.55% and the largest was 22.18% over the following 12-months. Thus, in all cases except for one (J), volatility did increase to a certain extent.


If there was ever a case of the calm before the storm it was the run that started in July of 2006 and ended in February of 2007. The S&P 500 would move sideways to higher until July by +6.4%, then fall through mid-August by 9.5%, then rally to a new high by 11% into October. That would be the turning point for what would be the bear market of 2007 to 2009. In the one-year after the rally ended in February of 2007, the drawdown was 16.27%, but that was just a hint of what was to come. Ultimately, the market declined between October of 2007 and March of 2009 by 56.30%.


We looked at nine-time periods and price action over the next year. There is only one period that is similar in length to our current period, and that was the rally from 1994 to 1995 (B). In that case, the market remained positive in the three-subsequent time-frames that we measured. Three other time periods (D, E and J) all had positive returns over 90, 180 and 365 days.  Two periods had negative returns over all three-time frames (C and F). In two cases, the end of the rally marked the immediate beginning of significant declines of 10% or more (F and H), including one of 22.18% (F).  And then in 2007, the bear market began about 8-months later, but most of the damage was done more than 12-months after the end of the rally.

The sample size is too small draw any definitive conclusions, but there is a definite pick up in volatility after these long rallies end as shown by the drawdown numbers, and there were losses of greater than 10% in three of nine examples.


Week Ending 11/3/2017


  • Equities hit another high.
  • Oil futures break out to a two-year high.
  • Jerome Powell nominated as the new Fed chair.
  • Another strong employment report.
  • Republican’s release their tax plan.


The market finished the week at another high. US equities were up by 0.14%, international equities increased by 0.86%. The dollar advanced by 0.21%. Bonds were up by 0.21% as the spread between the 10 and the 2-year note dropped by 12 basis points to 0.71%. That is down from 0.93% on September 30th and from 1.25% on December 31.

Oil broke out to a new year two year high, as crude oil futures were up by 3.23%.


President Trump nominated Jerome Powell to succeed Janet Yellen as the new Federal Reserve Chair. With Powell, Trump gets a consensus-driven leader that will likely stick to Yellen’s laid out plan of gradual interest-rate hikes and the unwinding of the balance sheet. But Powell is more in tune with the Republican deregulation agenda.

Powell will become the 15th chair in the 103-year history of the Fed. According to Ned Davis Research, the average gain during the first six months after a new Fed chair for the Dow is 2.1%, with a median drawdown of 10.5%.

The Fed is expected to raise interest rates in December.


Nonfarm payroll increased by 261,000. Average hourly earnings stayed the same month over month and are up 2.4% year over year. The unemployment rate dropped to 4.1%, a 17-year low. But the drop was primarily due to the decline in the labor force participation rate to 62.7% from 63.1%. Hiring in September was revised to a positive 18,000 from an original estimate of -33,000. The tight labor market has some economists now projecting four interest-rate increases in 2017, instead of three.


The House made public their proposed tax plan, titled the “Tax Cut and Jobs Act”, with the primary aim of helping businesses. For individuals, while there will be mainly winners, some will end up paying more in taxes. It is likely the plan won’t survive in its current form, and it may end up not being passed at all, like past Trump initiatives. The bill is designed to only cost the treasury $1.5 trillion over the next ten years. Here are the highlights:

  • The top rate for corporations drops to 20% from 35%.
  • For corporations, net interest deductibility is limited to 30% of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA).
  • Repatriation of cash from overseas would be taxed at a one-time rate of 12% and 5% for non-cash.
  • The tax rate on pass-through entities, mostly small businesses, such as sole-proprietorships, partnerships, and Sub-S corporations falls to 25%. Now such entities are taxed at the individual income tax rates, as high as 39.6%.
  • The top-rate for individuals remains at 39.6% but would start at $500,000 instead of the current $418,000.
  • The six remaining brackets now become three: 35%, 25%, and 12%.
  • The alternative minimum tax is eliminated.
  • The estate tax exemption becomes $11.2 million per person instead of $5.49 million.
  • The standard deduction is doubled.
  • The deduction for state and local income taxes is eliminated.
  • The property-tax deduction is capped at $10,000.
  • Only homes up to $620,000 would qualify for full interest deductibility assuming the buyer puts at least 20% down.
  • Private-purpose bonds would no longer be tax-exempt. These are the kinds of bonds often used for sports stadiums.


Week Ending 10/27/2017


  • The Nasdaq Composite rallied by 2.2% on Friday on the back of strong earnings from AMZN, GOOG and MSFT.
  • Earnings are strong and forward guidance is at the best level since 2010.
  • The advance reading for Q3 GDP makes it two consecutive quarters of >=3% growth.
  • The ECB to halve bond purchases beginning in January.


US equities increased by 0.17%, but the NASDAQ Composite surged by 2.2% on Friday and was up 1.1% for the week on the back of strong earnings from AMZN, GOOG and MSFT. AMZN jumped 13% on the day. It was the best day for the index since March of 2016. The dollar increased by 0.90% on dovish statements from the European Central Bank (ECB). Oil was up almost 4%.

International equities were down by 0.20% for the week. But Japan was up. The Nikkei is now on a 16-day winning streak and only declined one-time in October. That breaks the record of 15 set in March of 1988.


According to the Bespoke ( almost 1,000 companies have now reported Q3 earnings. 63.4% have beaten earnings estimates and 61% have beaten sales estimates. Companies overall are optimistic, and as of now, the spread between companies raising guidance versus lowering guidance is +3%, which is the highest level since Q3 of 2010.


The advance reading of Q3 GDP came in at +3.0%. A strong report given that the quarter was negatively impacted by the hurricanes. That makes back to back quarters of >=3% growth (assuming the number stands in future revisions). For the last few years, Q2 and Q3 have been the strongest quarters, but an early projection for Q4 shows it might be three in a row, the NY Fed NowCast has Q4 growth at 3.05%.


Mario Draghi announced that the ECB would halve the value of monthly bond purchases to 30 billion euros beginning in January. At the same, they announced the purchases would extend to at least September. The statement was considered dovish by the markets and the Euro fell.


Week Ending 10/20/2017


The endless rally continued amidst a sea of calm, as US equities increased by 0.81%. It has now been 350 days since the last pullback of only 3%, the second longest streak on record.

The slowly climbing market represents a stark contrast to 30-years ago this past week when the 1987 market crashed. Fuel for the rally continues to be solid financial reports. So far, 70% of the companies that have reported earnings have topped estimates, and 72% have beaten on the top-line. The market was also helped when Senate Republicans agreed on a budget that would allow tax cuts to pass with a majority of the votes, rather than 60.

International equities fell by 0.59%. Bonds dropped by 0.50% as interest rates increased. The spread between the 10 and 2-year narrowed by 3 basis points. The dollar was up 0.87% and crude rallied by 0.76%.


Our quarterly Review/Outlook Webinar was done on Saturday. You can find it at this link:


Amidst all the talk about the tax cut plan, the resulting increase in the Federal deficit is for the most part being ignored. Proponents of the tax cut argue that increased growth will pay for the resulting deficits, but most economists do not buy that to the extent necessary to cover the lost revenue.

In this week’s Barron’s, Gene Epstein writes about the mushrooming debt and how it might lead to exploding inflation. In his 2007 memoir, Alan Greenspan predicts inflation will jump much higher around 2030, to around 4.5% or higher.

Greenspan’s predictions are in sync with the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, that debt will soar due to exploding eldercare entitlements. In the face of out of control debt, the pressure would be immense for the Fed to print money and buy a portion of the federal debt. That would be liking pouring gasoline on a fire, causing inflation to burst higher.

When the Fed went to the printing presses over the last decade, inflation didn’t pop. But 2030 is likely to be a different era than what we just went through. The last few decades have been helped by the disinflationary impact of cheap labor around the world. But that will be played out by 2030. Plus, the amount of money needed to print will be far greater than what we just went through with no end in sight.

Higher inflation will depress the dollar, which will result in a sell-off of US bonds by foreigners, compounding all of the above problems.

All the more reason to seriously consider how the proposed tax cuts will impact the national debt long-term. What we really need is tax reform to promote an efficient economy, not pure tax cuts.


Jobless claims hit a record low of 222,000. The job market continues to be the bright spot in this economic expansion.


Week Ending 10/13/2017


  • International equities lead the way, up 1.89%, as global markets hit another high.
  • VIX continues hovering at all-time lows.
  • Trump close to nominating the next Fed Chair.
  • Economic growth estimates improve.


US equities improved slightly, up about 0.13%, while international equities advanced by 1.89% (see below). Bond rallied by 0.53% as interest rates fell and the curve got flatter. The dollar declined and crude jumped by 4.83%.


The MSCI World Index of large and midcap stocks from 23 countries hit another high on Friday. According to fund tracker EPFR Global, records amounts were invested in global stocks funds for the week ending October 11. Cheaper valuations and solid earnings are helping encourage investment overseas. The forward P/E in the US is about 18, up from 17 in January, while the P/E ratio on the STOXX Europe 600 is 15.2, up from 14.8. In Japan, the P/E on the Nikkei has fallen to 16.8 from 17.8 during that time. Overseas economies are also earlier in the economic cycle than the more mature US cycle.


Randall Forsyth writes about volatility in his Barron’s column this week. The volatility index continues to hover at close to all-time lows, closing Friday at 9.61. As shown in the chart below, the VIX has been hovering in the 10 area and below of late, much lower than historical norms, despite threats of war with North Korea, political instability in Washington, rising rates, and the soon to begin unwinding of the balance sheet. Traders have cashed in by shorting VIX futures or buying ETFs that profit from contango in the futures markets (when the near-term VIX contract is priced lower than a longer-term contract). If and when the market corrects, there could be huge short covering in the VIX, leading to unintended consequences, kind of like portfolio insurance in 1987, or mortgage-backed security fiasco of 2007.


Trump is close to naming his choice to lead the Federal Reserve. The choices appear to be current chair Janet Yellen, Stanford economist John Taylor, former Fed governor Kevin Warsh and current Fed governor Jerome Powell. Both Taylor and Warsh are considered more hawkish in terms of interest rates. While we do believe that Yellen was way to dovish in managing rates over the last few years, we are in agreement with her recent moves to slowing normalize rates and to gradually unwind the balance sheet.


Economic estimates for GDP growth picked up steam over the last week. The Atlanta Fed’s GDP model now has Q3 growth coming in at 2.70%, up by 0.20% from last week. And the NY Fed’s Nowcast raised their estimate to 1.70%, up by 0.17%. The Q4 estimate from the Nowcast was increased to 2.91%, up by 0.46% for the week.

New unemployment claims fell to 243,000. Since hitting a peak of 298,000 after Hurricane Harvey, new claims have been consistently falling and are now back in the pre-hurricane range. A historically low number.


Week Ending 10/6/2017


  • US equities up by 1.29%, fourth straight week of gains.
  • The market is closing in on the all-time record without a 5% correction.
  • The US and the global economy is strong.


US equities advanced for the fourth week in a row, up 1.29% and continued their recent outperformance over international equities, which advanced by 0.40% for the week. Bonds fell slightly, down 0.08%, as interest rates were up about 5% across the curve.

The general consensus over the last few weeks has shifted. In August, the mood was that we would have some kind of pullback, but now, the “experts” seem to think it is smooth sailing ahead, at least for the near-term. That in itself may be some kind of warning.

This Monday will mark 333 business days without a 5% pullback. The last time that happened was the period beginning on November 23, 1994. Assuming nothing crazy happens on Monday or Tuesday, this will be the longest such period ever.


The Global Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) came in a 53.2 in September, its highest level since May of 2011, indicating continued worldwide growth. The international economy is now back to pre-crisis growth levels. Almost every country is now in growth mode. Developed markets showed a slight edge over emerging markets, and Europe was the strongest region.

Here in the United States, the Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) September Manufacturing Report came in at a very strong 60.8. That is up from 58.8 in August and it is the highest reading since May of 2004. It was the 13th consecutive month of growth in manufacturing.

Initial claims for unemployment fell by 12,000 to 260,000. Claims are still being negatively impacted by the hurricanes but are at levels that are considered historically low indicating a continued tight job market.

The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow shows Q3 growth at 2.50% and the NY Fed’s Nowcast has growth at 1.53%. The Nowcast, which also is currently forecasting Q4, has growth improving to 2.45%.


Week Ending 9/29/2017


  • US equities improve by 0.90% led by small caps.
  • A strong September.
  • Proposed tax reform helps move markets higher.
  • Yellen comments on interest rates.


US equities improved by 0.90%, helped by a surge in small-caps, +2.7% on the week. International equities fell by 0.20%. Bonds fell another 0.16% on slightly higher interest rates, the dollar was up by 0.90% and crude was up 1.99%.

September turned out to be a strong month. The Dow was up 2.08% while the average for September has been a 1.09% loss, according to the Bespoke Investment Group. But small-caps were the story in September, the Russell 2000 was up 6.09%, helped by a stronger dollar and the possibility of tax reform (see below). Financials also were strong, the KBE was up 9.08% and energy advanced by 8.75% (XLF). In fact, September looked a lot like the post-election rally.

For the first 9 months of the year, US equities are up about 14%, international equities by 21% and bonds by 3%.


Markets advanced on excitement over tax reform, whether the proposal ever makes it into law is another matter.

On the individual side, there would now be three brackets instead of seven, the highest rate would fall from 39.6% to 35%, business income would “pass through” at a 25% rate, the estate tax would be eliminated, and the deduction for state and local taxes would be taken away.

An obvious problem is that everyone will now try to move individual income to “pass-through” entities (LLCs and Sub-S corporations) in order to take advantage of the lower 25% rate for high-income earners.  If the idea is to simplify the tax code, this provision does the opposite.

And taking away the deduction for state and local taxes would likely doom this tax bill, in its current form, from ever being passed. There would be too much opposition to that, even though it makes sense from a simplification standpoint.

For corporations, the maximum tax rate would fall to 20% from 35%. But companies would now be taxed on international profits. Overall, it is estimated that this would add about $10 to S&P 500 earnings. It would also help small companies, even more, thus the big rally in small-caps.

The third tier to the tax plan would be the repatriation of US profits currently being held overseas at a reduced rate.


Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said if the Fed determines that there are long-term changes in the trajectory of inflation that it could slow down the pace of interest rate increases. Inflation has been coming in lower than the Fed’s 2% target this year, leading some economists to want to keep interest rates lower for longer,  but that also could lead to financial bubbles that would present bigger problems later.

Under the current scenario, the Fed will probably continue on the path of gradual rate hikes. The market is now expecting a December rate hike.


Week Ending 9/22/2017


  • Markets roughly flat with the lowest one-week volatility since 1972.
  • Fed to begin unwinding its balance sheet.
  • War of words and name calling between Trump and Jung-un


Not much happened in the market last week. US equities scratched out a 0.25% gain and international equities fell by 0.30%. The range on the S&P 500, from high to low, was only 0.49%, the lowest percentage since 1972. Kind of surprising given the threat of war (see below). Interest rates rose so bonds were down by 0.13%. The dollar was up by 0.54% and crude oil advanced by 1.54%.


The long-awaited unwinding of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet is finally about to begin. The Fed’s intent is to make the process as boring as possible so as not to upset the markets. Bonds will be allowed to mature and won’t be replaced. This will be the first time the Fed has attempted to engage in this process in such large amounts. While the market has so far ignored the announcement, only time will tell if the unwinding does not lead to market disruptions or impact the economy in a negative manner. For now, other central banks around the world, like the ECB, continue in quantitative easing mode, so that eases this transition. But at some point, they will reverse direction also.


Trump said the US would destroy North Korea if they threatened the US or its allies and called the North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un a “little rocket man.” Jong-un, not to be outdone, called Trump a “frightened dog” and a “dotard.” And so the war of words has begun as if we are watching two out-of-control kindergarten children. It would be funny if it was not so serious. Both leaders need some basic lessons in common sense and civility.

Apparently, though, a crisis as severe as North Korea is not enough for our President to concentrate on. He thought it a good idea to start a spat with Seth Curry, and then followed it up by taking on the NFL. How is this guy President of the United States?


Week Ending 9/15/2017


The S&P 500 hit a new all-time high and in the process took another step forward in a continuation of the stair-step pattern we wrote about last week. The index was up 1.09% while the overall US market increased by 1.67%. International equities rose by 0.94%. Bonds were down by 0.48% as interest rates were up by 10 to 12 basis points across the curve. The dollar advanced by 0.70% and oil had a big rally, +5.08 percent.


High valuations by some metrics in the equity markets have been justified by low-interest rates and low inflation. James Mackintosh writes in his Friday Wall Street Journal column that “what matters most to stock prices isn’t where inflation stands, but where it will stand in the future compared with what is currently priced in.” 1980 is an example, a period when inflation was ramping higher, before it was about to fall, as a good time to buy stocks.

Likewise, a bad time to invest in equities was when inflation is low and expectations for future inflation are also low, but then jumps higher. In the mid-60s, the economy was going on its seventh year of sub-2% inflation, at the same time, the Shiller P/E ratio was at its highest point since 1929. Once inflation broke above 2% at the beginning of 1966, the market fell by about 25%.


There are lots of reasons why the market might go down, and we have outlined many of them at our webinars and in this column. But historically, staying in the market has always rewarded long-term investors. According to an analysis done by Bespoke, equities have spent about 88% of the time in a bull market since 1947.


An early impact of hurricane Harvey was reflected in the August reading for US industrial production, it dropped by a seasonally adjusted 0.9%. That was the biggest fall since the 2007-2009 recession. The hurricane hurt oil drilling, petroleum refining, and other activity.

Initial jobless claims came in at 284,000 this week. That is down from 298,000 the prior week. But both of these numbers are big jumps from the 250,000 or so level that we had seen for many months. The increase is probably due to Hurricane Harvey. The impact of Irma will start being seen in the next few reports. The hurricanes will most likely hurt near-term economic performance before beginning to improve GDP in a few months as the recovery kicks in.

The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow estimate for Q3 dropped by 0.8% to 2.20% on reports for retail sales, industrial production, and capacity utilization. The New York Fed’s Nowcast also fell by 0.80% to 1.3% The Q4 estimate is now at 1.80%.